U boot configuration file
U boot configuration file

u boot configuration file

# Configuration file for fw_(printenv/setenv) utility. I found most of what I needed by looking in the file /proc/mtd. Specifically, you need the mtd device name, the device offset, the env size and the flash sector size. To create this file, you need to know information about where U-Boot stores its env variables. The file name is fw_env.config and it lives in /etc. The last and most important step is creating the config file for the utilities. Tools will also be installed in /usr/sbin/. Like Buildroot, OpenWrt can build these tools too but you will find them in a different location in the menu: Tools will be installed in /usr/sbin/ of your target's rootfs. this is most easily accomplished by creating a symbolic link from fw_printenv to fw_setenv, as in "ln -sf /sbin/fw_printenv /sbin/fw_setenv"īuildroot can automatically build these tools for you. the functions of fw_setenv are run when the program is invoked with the name "fw_setenv".

#U boot configuration file code#

the fw_printenv binary also contains the code for fw_setenv.Copy fw_printenv to /sbin on the root filesystem of your beagle board. if the compile succeeded, you should have fw_printenv in the U-Boot directory tools/env.manually build fw_printenv with make: "make env ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE= /usr/local/angstrom/arm/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnuabi-".For me, it is at "./oe/tmp/work/beagleboard-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/u-boot-git-r18.1/git" cd to the source for U-Boot in the OE tree.Substitute directories and compiler locations to match your environment. Theses instructions assume that you have already built the angstrom distribution for the beagle board. I'm a novice at OE and bitbake, so here are the instructions for building and installing the tools manually. The Angstrom OE distribution does not build the tools automatically.

u boot configuration file

  • 2.3 Setting and verifying an environment variable.
  • 2.2 Printing a single environment variable.
  • 2.1 Printing all the environment variables.

  • U boot configuration file